Shop Cats
A cat in a bird store! Yes, it’s true!
Since Wild Birds Unlimited of North Asheville opened in 2016, we’ve had over 95 foster cats through our partnerships with local rescue organizations including our current partner, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue! These rescue kitties love to greet our customers as they enter the store and can oftentimes be seen perched on a bag of seed or watching the birds at the feeders on our store TV. We also love it when people in the community pop in to say hi to our latest cat and spend some time playing with them.
Welcome to the store, Jiji! (Arrived to us on March 28th)
About Shelby
Hi 👋, my name is Jiji 🐈 and I arrived at Wild Birds 🐦 Unlimited on March 28th and am settling in nicely 👍🏼. I wish I liked bird seed because there is a lot here! They do have a TV 📺 that’s showing birds at a feeder, so that’s pretty neat! It’s a safe way for me to entertain myself without hurting them (I’m strictly an indoor kitty 🐱). Anyway, I’m looking 👀 for my fur-ever home 🏡 and I’m hoping 🙏 you come in to meet me and give me some scratches and belly rubs. I’m about 9 months young and very energetic! . I promise if you give me a chance, I’ll give you lots of love 😻 and be your bestest friend fur-ever. Simply put, I’m purr-fect 😹. Stop ✋ in today! See you soon! 😽
We Our Proud to Partner With Brother Wolf Animal Rescue...
Our shop cats’ adoptions are through Brother Wolf Animal Rescue and require an application process and adoption fee. Cat adoptions are on a first-come-first-served basis, so if you are interested in a cat in our store, please be sure to start your application with Brother Wolf Animal Rescue as soon as you can.
Good News!
Our local news station WLOS came to our store and did a special about our foster cat program!
Casey, the owner of the shop, was interviewed for the story, but we all agree that Tezuka the cat stole the show. Click here to check out the story: Purr-fect Pairing: Unique partnership between bird shop, animal rescue helps find homes for cats
Gallery of Recently Adopted Cats
Birds and Cats
It’s no secret that cats love birds. Sadly though, domestic cats kill 2.4 billion songbirds each year and domestic cats are one of the leading causes of the songbird population decline. It’s an unfortunate predator-prey relationship but we can intervene to protect both of them.We always recommend keeping cats indoors. Indoor cats live longer and healthier lives and do not have the opportunity to kill birds and pick up diseases.
Indoor cats need entertainment and can get a lot of safe enjoyment in their day from watching birds eat at your bird feeder through the window! Once you set up bird feeders (window feeders work great for cats!), don’t be surprised if you come home to find your cat camped out by the windows, glued to the nature show outside.
If you have an indoor-outdoor cat (although we don’t ever recommend it), there are still ways to keep both the birds and your cat a little safer. One thing you can do is to keep your bird feeders high enough, so they are out of reach. You can also use a product we carry called Birdsbesafe cat collars. These collars, that slip over your cat’s existing collar, alert birds through brightly colored designs and patterns so they can fly away and not get caught. If you have an indoor-outdoor cat, be sure to pick one up the next time you are at our store.